


 Tim I. Purdy Presents
        Exploring Lassen County's Past and more . . .

Lassen County Probate Records

About the Courts

Lassen County was created on April 1, 1864 from portions of Plumas and Shasta Counties. Prior to the formation, there was a dispute as to whether the region was a part of California or Nevada. To research litigation prior to 1864 requires searches in both California and Nevada. The Superior Court system that is in use today, was not created > until 1879 when Californians adopted a new Constitution. Prior to the adoption of the new Constitution litigation was filed in either the County and/or District Court.

About the Probate Index

From 1978 through 1981, Tim I. Purdy volunteered to catalog, organize and index the Lassen County, County, District and Superior Court records covering a time span from 1864 to 1930.  From 1864-1879 Lassen County used a County Court Probate system. The adoption of California’s current constitution which went into effect on January 1, 1880 abolished that court system. From 1880-1888 probate cases were filed as regular Superior Court matters. A change was made to separate this and since 1888 Probate cases were kept separate and given their own file numbers.

Abbreviations Used

CM = Case missing.
CT = Case transferred to another county.
MF = The original file has been destroyed and file only exists on microfilm

Additional Information

For more information concerning these records, accessibility, etc., contact Tim I. Purdy at timipurdy@citlink.net or call at 530.257.6747 or write to at P.O. Box 1592, Susanville, CA 96130.

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